Spring Brook Academy

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Crompton Moor



This week SBU went on their John Muir Award Outdoor Education trip to Crompton Moor.
It was a trip to explore their local area, to experience the natural landscape mixed with man made features (to see the old quarry and how it is being rewilded with woodland) and feel the effects of the weather and storms we are currently having.
Firstly, we trekked down to see the waterfall falling from the top of one of the quarried areas.
It is quite a spectacular setting as the stream has found the quickest way down the hill following the quarrying of the area.
Then we trekked up the side of the waterfall to the top to see where we were standing from a different point of view. The views over to Manchester are quite incredible from here too!
Following this we all had a go at crossing the stream at the top of the waterfall. Some decided jumping it was easiest while others helped each other to climb down and then up the other side – great teamwork everyone!

Finally we walked up to one of the forested areas to experience the wind and how it moved the trees so much. It was amazing to see the trees so still at the bottom but then look up and realise just how much they move!!!


We of course finished the morning with a game of manhunt focusing on team work, communication and fair play.

Clip 1


A fantastic outing again and brilliant teamwork everyone!!



Mr Hopkins