Spring Brook Academy

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Careers Programme

Careers Programme – 2023/ 2024

Aims & Vision of Spring Brook Academy

We aim to ensure a high quality of vocational and careers education for our young people, to be delivered in a meaningful and appropriate way for their needs and circumstances.

Creating meaningful futures for all underpins the careers programme with the individual at the heart of everything we do.

Our Trust’s Mission is at the heart of our school’s mission:

Learning Together

Learning for All

Learning for Life

Through person centered planning with Education, Health & Care plans at the centre, we support students to articulate their aspirations for adult life, and for many their aspirations to work.

Pathways of Careers Education at Spring Brook Academy

In order to support students to achieve their aspirations, careers education at Spring Brook Academy consists of the following pathways:

Academic Pathway 

Supporting students through career choices and community information through the academic curriculum in all subjects with a particular emphasis on community and careers delivered through our PSHE and Learning for Life curriculums.

Vocational Pathway 

In year 9 our bespoke vocational pathway is focused on identifying the skills, interests and talents of our pupils allowing focused activities to be provided for pupils to ‘build skills’, ‘gain qualifications’ and ‘experience the workplace’ in the vocational areas of their choice allowing them to explore their interests and discover potential future careers.

Community Living Pathway 

The Community Living Pathway is a bespoke pathway for pupils who are academically working below NCY1 level in most areas of the curriculum. Pupils have individual destinations set for the future based on their EHCP’s and specific needs.

All areas of the curriculum are used as a vehicle to deliver and develop the knowledge, understanding and skills within each pupil’s EHCP outcomes and are taught as a holistic approach linking heavily to the local community and developing the independence of the learners to ensure they reach their appropriate destination.

Careers Education Summary

Key Stage 3                         

Careers Education Focus

Year 7 & 8

  • ‘Learning for life’ and PSHE curriculum to develop personal, social and career related learning both in and out of the classroom.
  • Peer mentoring from year 9 learners.
  • Enterprise projects
  • Community based projects to encourage positive community interactions.
  • Outdoor education curriculum to explore the local community, local area and experience different communities and cultures. Environmental volunteering work
  • EHCP step targets.
  • PE curriculum to experience health and wellbeing facilities and career opportunities in the local area.
  • Careers focus throughout the academic curriculum.
  • Individual destinations outlined.

Year 9

  • Continuation of year 7 and 8 provision.
  • Vocational curriculum to build skills, gain qualifications and experience the workplace.
  • Career chats with the careers lead.
  • Transitions to Key Stage 4 and links with next career lead.

General School Life

Magic Breakfast

Every day in school a team of pupils prepare and serve breakfast to the school cohort. They set up for the service, prepare and serve bagels, toast, cereal, yoghurts and juice. Pupils are also responsible for cleaning and tidying up after breakfast service. All volunteers must have passed their food hygiene level 2 qualification.

The Tuck Shop

Pupils in school run and manage an in-house small shop which is open at break times. Those working in the tuck shop are allocated roles dependent on their abilities, needs and interests. 

Social Enterprise

Pupils carry out a wide range of Social Enterprise activities, raising money for the different charities. These activities take the form of car washes, bake sales, sports challenges and recycling/environmental activities.

Our Vision

At Spring Brook Academy and The Spring Board Project, we are committed to providing all learners with access to a high quality and stable careers programme. We strive to develop our young people and to prepare them for Adulthood. Creating meaningful futures for all underpins the careers programme with the individual at the heart of everything we do.

Our Trust’s Mission at the heart of our school’s mission

  • Learning Together
  • Learning for All
  • Learning for Life

“Belief that all our pupils, whatever their background or ability will be successful and valued”

Every young person needs high-quality career guidance to make informed decisions about their future. Good career guidance is a necessity for social mobility: those young people without significant social capital or home support to draw upon have the most to gain from high-quality career guidance.


Intended Outcomes

Provide all pupils with effective careers information, education, advice and guidance. Encourage pupils to make good choices and understand what they need to do to succeed in the careers in which they aspire.

Our careers programme is embedded throughout our curriculum in all year groups. All students receive a rich provision of classroom, vocational and extra-curricular activities to understand and experience a variety of education and vocational activities and how they can be successful in the future.

Our careers programme can be found on the link HERE:

Careers Programme – 2023/ 2024

How does the programme work?

Spring Brook Academy and the Spring Board Project are committed to providing a planned careers programme for all students that incorporates learning for life lessons, a vocational curriculum, careers activities/events and subject specific careers learning experiences.

The Careers Team

Mr J Hopkins – Careers leader Spring Brook Academy

Mrs Anne-Marie Cripps – Careers leader Spring Board Project

Information for families, parents and carers

As a parent, carer or family member you have a leading role when it comes to your child making decisions about their career. It is important to be prepared and feel confident when they come to you for advice. Below is lots of information and links to websites to support you in assisting your child with their future career choices.



A Parent’s Guide to Apprenticeships


Parent’s Guide to Careers: The Parents Guide to Careers

Information for Employers

At Spring Brook Academy we are always looking to develop strong links with local employers. We work with them in our careers programme in various ways.

Some employers come into school and talk to our students about their businesses or apprenticeships. They discuss what the job is like, along with what skills and qualifications are desired.

Some examples of local employers we work with are:

The army

Manchester City

Manchester Airport

Cakebread studios

Wolfpack Strength

For those employers who currently work with us, please feedback your experience by contacting:


0161 883 3431

We are always keen to engage with further employers to expand our curriculum and careers offer further. If you would be interested in working in partnership with Spring Brook Academy please email:


0161 883 3431


Information for teachers

This page also has useful information for teachers to access in delivering the curriculum in relation to the world of work. Please access the following links for careers advice, videos and labour market Information:

Useful Career Videos:

https://learnliveuk.com/videos-index/?category=careers https://www.speakersforschools.org/inspiration/vtalks/vtalks-video-library/

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/careers Useful TV Series to watch:

https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07mddqk https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p06zhf9j/the-nine-to-five-with-stacey-dooley


Careers Box:



Youth Employment:


Life Skills:


Labour Market Information and opportunities in Oldham and Greater Manchester

It is important that you understand local and national labour market information so that it is possible to make informed choices and decisions for the future.


Overview of Greater Manchester labour market information

Other careers guidance and information links:



https://gmacs.co.uk/ – careers exploration through Greater Manchester’s Apprenticeship and Careers Service

nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk – this is the Government’s hub for careers advice for people of all ages where you can find help with drafting letters, CVs, exploring your skills or seeking careers advice

https://www.gov.uk/topic/further-education-skills/apprenticeships – the National Apprenticeship Service website provides general advice and information about apprenticeships. Also advertises current vacancies

www.icould.com – aims to help you to make the most of your potential by showing how others have used theirs, take the ‘Buzz’ personality profile quiz

www.startprofile.com – investigate careers, watch videos and get great advice, find out about employers and work experience opportunities in your area

www.successatschool.org – gives clear and comprehensive information about a range of Career Zones (sectors), in an easy to access format. Students can create a profile to help to collate useful information. ’60 second interviews’ giving profile of professionals, provide a useful insight into specific careers

www.how2become.com – offers detailed advice on how to access a range of sectors. Also offers the purchase of resources, compiled in conjunction with professionals working in these fields, designed to enable you to achieve your dream career or course

www.notgoingtouni.co.uk – opportunities that exist outside of university

MyCareerSpringboard.org – springboard is for students. It is divided into two main sections: the Career Test and the Career Exploration Tool. 

www.allAboutApprenticeships.co.uk – gives live apprenticeship vacancies, organised by sector or area. Also offers plenty of advice on making applications

For any enquiries regarding careers education, information, advice or guidance or for any feedback regarding our careers programme please contact our Careers Leader Mr Hopkins by email at:


0161 883 3431