Spring Brook Academy

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Sport (Upper) 

“Coach me and I will learn. Challenge me and I will grow. Believe in me and I will win.”


At Spring Brook Upper we want pupils to love all sport and physical activity.

It is our aim across the Secondary phase:

• To enable all pupils to enjoy physical activity, improve their self-esteem and body image and be encouraged to live a healthy, active lifestyle in the future.

• To build on prior learned skills, tactics and experiences and to develop these further offering increased responsibility, leadership and competitive opportunities in and outside of Spring Brook Upper.

• To ensure that pupils receive a varied curriculum of different physical activities to expand on their physical literacy and include activities that are easily accessible in the community for potential involvement in the future.

• To prepare pupils for engaging in their communities by ensuring that pupils experience physical activity in community spaces outside of school such as orienteering and wild games in local parks and nature areas as well as more ‘standard’ sports.

• To ensure that all teaching of sport and physical activity is progressive and is taught to all children’s individual needs and abilities.

• To increase all pupils capacity of resilience, independence and responsibility in dealing with success or failure in varying situations.

• To improve all pupils social skills, positive communication and teamwork abilities in preparation for co-operation and the future workplace.

• To develop all pupils leadership skills and confidence to make appropriate decisions and be able to solve problems.

• To improve physical fitness and co-ordination.

• To provide a foundation for pupils to compete in sport and physical activity in the future.

Sport & Physical Activity Lessons at Spring Brook Upper

Our sport and physical activity curriculum for Key stage 3 is mapped out to include a balance of sporting and physical activity topics in line with the National Curriculum and are taught both in lesson and on an intervention basis.

Activities vary dependent on need and are planned accordingly throughout the year.

Lessons are planned to include age appropriate content, whilst being taught at the child’s individual level so that they can access new knowledge, build on prior learning and continue to develop their physical literacy.

Within each planned topic area opportunities for leadership and independence are readily available and staff will engage and motivate pupils by role modelling consistently and constantly to reaffirm appropriate leadership communication and behaviour.

Staff will deliver high quality teaching and learning opportunities where activities are differentiated so that all children can have an appropriate level of support and challenge and specialised equipment and technology will be used as a way to engage, motivate and support students to learn, understand and demonstrate their achievements and progress.

Where possible national schemes will be used for pupils to follow and achieve relevant certificates and qualifications.

Intent, Implementation and Impact

More details on the intent, implementation and impact of our Sport & Physical Activity Curriculum can be viewed by following this link:

Spring Brook Upper Sport and Physical Activity Curriculum Intent


Children should leave SBU with:

• A love of sport and physical activity

• Positive experiences of competition

• Some experience of leadership

• Increased resilience, self-esteem and self confidence

• An understanding that everybody is different – both physically and mentally

• Having made the best possible progress

• Experience of different sporting facilities in the local area

• Knowledge of how to use various items of sporting equipment (including gym and fitness equipment) safely and beneficially

Our Assessment Tool is Dashboard, which breaks down learning into small, accessible and achievable steps.