Spring Brook Academy

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  • Everyone Learning

Maths (Lower)


“The essence of mathematics is not to make simple things complicated, but to make complicated things simple.”

Stan Gudder (Mathematician)

At Spring Brook Lower, we teach maths creatively, incorporating the use of concrete manipulatives to help children understand abstract concepts and apply them to their learning.

It is our aim across the Primary phase to expertly match the National Curriculum with individual need, rather than teaching from a specific year group. 

Through a combination of teaching tools and the use of Every Day examples, we aim for our children to achieve the highest level of functional maths that matches their ability. 

At every stage, we want to raise the confidence of our learners.

Every Day Examples – We aim to give our children mathematics skills for life, and regularly help them apply their newly learned skills in ‘real world’ scenarios.

Confidence – We work with our children every day to build their confidence in maths, encouraging an atmosphere where we learn from our mistakes.

Maths Lessons at Spring Brook Lower

Our Maths lessons are delivered daily, tailored to the needs of our learners. 

Teaching is delivered by our highly skilled staff, using a blend of experience and knowledge, supported by the purposeful use of technology.

Our use of technology, right across the Primary stage in Maths, makes learning accessible for all, as iPads and other technology mean that all children can engage with their learning. 

At Spring Brook Lower, we believe in the use of technology to remove barriers to learning.

Schemes of Work

Teachers follow the White Rose Schemes of work, with each class following blocks and topics of learning, differentiated accordingly. 

You can learn more about the White Rose Scheme of work here:

White Rose Maths

Intent, Implementation and Impact

More details on the intent, implementation and impact of our Maths Curriculum can be viewed by following this link:

Spring Brook Lower Maths Curriculum Intent


As a result of teaching at SBL, you will see:

• Children who engage with maths 

• Children showing an enjoyment for maths

• Different representations of mathematical concepts

• Learning that is tracked and monitored to ensure all children make good progress

Our Assessment Tool is Dashboard, which breaks down learning into small, accessible and achievable steps.


To support our learners, we use a range of apps, such as:

TTRockStars Top Marks BBC Bitesize