Spring Brook Academy

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“The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future.”

Theodore Roosevelt

At Spring Brook Upper, we believe that History lessons should take pupils on an exciting journey of enquiry and discovery.

We encourage pupils to think critically about the world around them, and to have an awareness and understanding that their experience of the world was shaped by past events.

Our History curriculum is aspirational, engaging and relevant for our pupils.

Our History teaching:

• equips pupils with knowledge and understanding of the role Britain has played in the world and how Britain has been influenced by the wider world

• ensures that we hear a diverse range of voices represented in the history we learn, as this reflects the diverse communities our pupils are part of

• allows our pupils to learn historical empathy.

History Lessons at Spring Brook Lower

History at Spring Brook Upper will be studied as a three-year cycle of topics.

This will ensure that there is skills-based progression throughout KS3 and where pupils are not in a class group with their year e.g. A Y7 pupil in a class of Y8 pupils, they will not be going over content they have already studied.

Topics studied cover all time periods and content that are statutory within the KS3 National Curriculum for History.

Intent, Implementation and Impact

More details on the intent, implementation and impact of our History Curriculum can be viewed by following this link:

Spring Brook Upper History Curriculum Intent


Progress will be tracked using a progression model that assesses:

• historical knowledge and understanding

• communication and enquiry

• understanding of key historical concepts such as; change and continuity; cause and consequence; and historical significance.

Source analysis skills and understanding of historical interpretation will also be assessed. These areas will be assessed formatively throughout lessons and with a summative assessment each half term.

Our Assessment Tool is Dashboard, which breaks down learning into small, accessible and achievable steps.=