Spring Brook Academy

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English (Upper)

“Reading is like breathing in, writing is like breathing out.”

Pam Ally

At Spring Brook Upper , we believe in the teaching of Communication (Speaking & Listening), Reading and Writing Skills as the foundation for successful learning.

It is our aim across the Secondary phase to continue to develop these skills in all of our children.

Communication (Speaking & Listening)

We aim for our pupils to:

• Use Standard English in a variety of both formal and informal discussions
• Prepare and deliver short speeches and presentations expressing ideas clearly
• Engage in formal debates
• Use improvisation and role play in order to discuss and develop an understanding of the effects of language


We aim for our pupils to:

• Study a whole or extracts from a pre 19th century novel/play/ poem
• Study whole or extracts from two Shakespeare plays
• Study extracts from world literature or a collection of poems
• Study a range of non-fiction texts
• Read texts to establish audience, purpose and context
• Develop inference and deduction skills
• Check for understanding of a text


We aim for our pupils to:

• Plan, edit and proof-read lengthy pieces of writing
• Make notes for speaking and listening tasks
• Write personal and formal letters
• Express points of view/explain/describe
• Write stories/scripts/poetry
• Write to persuade
• Master Appendix 1 Spellings
• Learn and use new vocabulary
• Use Standard English
• Understand the differences between spoken and written English

English Lessons at Spring Brook Upper

Our English lessons are delivered daily, tailored to the needs of our learners.

Teaching is delivered by our highly skilled staff, using a blend of experience and knowledge, supported by the purposeful use of technology.

Intent, Implementation and Impact

More details on the intent, implementation and impact of our English Curriculum can be viewed by following this link:

Spring Brook Upper English Curriculum Intent


We assess the children and group them so they are accessing learning at an appropriate level.

Assessment is carried out in several ways:

• Dashboard evidence
• Moderation exercises – internal and external
• EHCP outcomes
• NARA reading / comprehension ages – Phonics Screening if applicable

Our main Assessment Tool is Dashboard, which breaks down learning into small, accessible and achievable steps.


To support our learners, we use a range of apps. Some of our children enjoy going on Epic! where they can read and listen to books.
