Spring Brook Academy

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Computing (Upper)

“Computers themselves, and software yet to be developed, will revolutionise the way we learn.”

Steve Jobs

In today’s world, technology is everywhere. It plays a pivotal part in our children’s lives.

At Spring Brook Upper, we want pupils to be adept, respectful and confident users of technology.

We want our pupils to:

• become computer literate and confident, creative and independent learners.

• develop their use of multiple technologies appropriately, confidently and safely in the ever-increasing digital world.

Clear and Effective Curriculum  – Our computing curriculum is a clear and effective scheme of work that provides coverage in line with the National Curriculum, as well as our own Dashboard Outcomes.

Use of iPads –  Each pupil has an iPad to use throughout the school day to aid learning. Pupils have access to the hardware (iPads, programmable equipment/spheros) and software that they need to develop knowledge and skills of digital systems and their applications.

Computing Lessons at Spring Brook Upper

Our computing curriculum is delivered to develop transferable skills in which learners can use the skills gained from their ICT lessons in other aspects of their lives and the wider curriculum.

For example, a pupil will learn the skills of video editing so they can be creating multimedia project in their English lessons or at home.

The Curriculum has 4 key strands running throughout the year, which include Digital Literacy, Computer Programming and IT/Multimedia.

Digital Literacy covers aspects of online safety as well as opportunities to explore core software skills using Microsoft’s Word/Apple’s Pages, PowerPoint/Keynote.

Computer Programming allows learners to further develop knowledge and understanding of how devices are programmed and how computer systems and networks operate.

IT/Multimedia develops the use of video editing packages, photography and image manipulation software, different forms of animation and website design.

We also teach pupils how to be safe when online and using digital technologies

The curriculum is delivered by a subject-specific ICT teacher.

Pupils are taught in year groups and have two discrete lessons of ICT each week, but the use of iPads within other subjects embed the skills gained within the computing curriculum.

Intent, Implementation and Impact

More details on the intent, implementation and impact of our Computing Curriculum can be viewed by following this link:

Spring Brook Upper ICT Curriculum Intent


Computing objectives are assessed on the school Dashboard system, which are mapped against the National Curriculum after every unit covered. 


To support our learners, we use a range of apps and technology, such as: